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nearmap 官网
This SFD Wiki is organized by the Digital Freedom Foundation DFF.
Software Freedom Day is 21 September 2025.
A team URL will be country/city/team or country/state/city/team when it makes sense. A team page MUST be separated from the city page. Thank you.
To create / find a teampage, simply go to SFD 2025
Read the StartGuide to get started!
Artwork - The current SFD logo, banners, magazine ad, tshirts design, and so forth.
EventSlogans- Some slogans / themes of SFD events.
101 Reasons to use FOSS - It's a work in progress page to list out reasons why we use FOSS / systems!
Resources - Templates, Presentations, Movies, Texts, FreeSoftwareMedia etc.
GetInvolved - How to get involved in SFD
Promote & CountDown- SFD Banners and countdown with different languages!
SfdContactingSchool - How to get your local schools talking about Free Software in this SFD!
SFD WorldWide
Social Networks - Some social network links related to SFD.
General FAQ - If you have any question in general, try to look for an answer from FAQ. You can also post your question there and get an answer later.
电脑怎么上国外网站 - This page is to give credits to all the organizations / people who give SFD supports.
Connect to other teams via video (in progress)
WikiLicense - Licensing Policy of the SFD Wiki
WikiFaq - If you have any question regarding the Wiki, try to look for an answer from FAQ. You can also post your question there and get an answer later.
WikiWishList - Put your suggestions here, what we should change, add or remove in the Wiki. We will do our best to address them.
WikiEditingTips - Some tips on how to edit Wiki pages.
WikiFeatures - Things this Wiki can do.
nearmap 官网
SFD 2018 - 2018 teams
SFD 2017 - 2017 teams
SFD 2016 - 2016 teams
SFD 2015 - 2015 teams
SFD 2014 - 2014 teams
SFD 2013 - 2013 teams
SFD 2012 - 2012 teams
SFD 2011 - 2011 teams
怎么进入国外的网页 - 2010 teams
An Archive of the old Wiki (year 2009 or before)